Outreach & academic service


September 2024 | Interviewed by Kim Clemens for Nieuwsblad (Belgian news paper) about menopause and activism

October 2023 | Interviewed by Nina Mallants for the podcast of De Standaard (Belgian news outlet) about menopause.

19 August 2023 | Filosoof de Boer: ‘ja, we moeten het over de overgang hebben’ | Interviewed by Sanne Schelfaut for Algemeen Dagblad, regionale Nederlandse kranten, en De Morgen.

Fall 2022| Interviewed for research rapport ‘Femtech’ - Rathenau Instituut

March 2021 | Elke ziekte vraagt om een nieuw verhaal [Every illness asks for a new story] - Filosofie Magazine - interviewed by Alies Pegtel about life after the covid-19 pandemic.

January 2021 | Guest at Science program Focus at NPO Radio1.

January 2020 | Interviewed by Wilma van Erven for her book Niet Normaal Zo Moe [Not normal, so tired].

March 2019 | ‘Geen man, wel een kinderwens. Is er dan sprake van medische noodzaak?’ [No man, but a wish to have children. Is there a medical emergency?], Trouw [Dutch national news paper], 9-3-2019.

December 2016 | ‘Hoe ervaren jonge vrouwen met borstkanker hun lichaam?’ [How do young women with breast cancer experience their bodies?], [Publicly financed national Dutch news channel], 15-12-2016.

December 2016 | ‘Patiënten ervaren hun lijf anders door ziekte’ [Patients experience their bodies differently because of illness], Trouw [Dutch national newspaper], 13-12-2016.

December 2016 | ‘Over blauwe borsten, afgestoten protheses en piraten-BH's’ [About blue breasts, rejected prostheses and pirate bras], Observant [University Maastricht magazine].

December 2016 | ‘Net niet mijn tiet’ [Not really my tit], Opzij [Dutch feminist magazine].

September 2016 | Interviewed by Corien van Zweden for her book ‘Borsten. Een biografie’ [Breasts. A biography], Uitgeverij de Bezige Bij.

May 2013 | ‘Tepelloze activisten’ [Nippleless activists], Website Filosofie Magazine [Dutch popular philosophy magazine].

Popular scientific articles

Phoenix, C. and Boer, M.L. de (2024) Reframing menopause beyond biomedicine. Medical Humanities Blog The Polyphony.

Boer, M.L. de (2022) ‘Gender equity at the university’, in Essay bundle by Tilburg Young Academy, titled The Good of the University, Tilburg University Press.

Boer, M.L. de (2021) ‘Self-tracking in de overgang’ [Self-tracking in menopause’], Sociologie Magazine.

Boer, M.L. de (2021) ‘De overgang is nog altijd een maatschappelijk taboe’ [Menopause is still a societal taboo], Sociale Vraagstukken (sociology blog).

Boer, M.L. de (2020), ‘Melancholie en rouw in onvruchtbaarheidsbehandelingen’ [Melancholy and mourning in infertility treatment], Bij Nader Inzien (philosophy blog).

Boer, M.L. de (2019) ‘Maakbare vrouwen? Zelfzorg in onvruchtbaarheidsbehandelingen’ [Moldable women? Self care in infertility treatment], Wijsgerig Perspectief, Filosofie Magazine.

Boer, M.L. de (2009) „Zuid-Afrika, een Rainbow nation, of toch niet? ‟, Splijtstof 37(3), p.138-143. [Title: South-Africa: a Rainbow nation, or not?].

Boer, M.L. de (2008) „De Islam in Nederland, een dialectiek der verlichting‟, Splijtstof 37 (2). [Title: The Islam in the Netherlands, a dialectics of enlightenment]


Speaker at public event

November 2024 | Speaker at Inspire Yourself Week at Tilburg University, the Netherlands. Talk about menopause and sexuality.

Spring 2024 | Speaker at the Filosofie Festival in Leuven, Belgium.

2 February 2023| Column ‘Menopauze mythes in populaire cultuur’ at De tafel van Martinus, Wetenschapstalkshow Studium Generale, Tilburg University.

30 May 2021| Lecture ‘Ode aan de jeugd’ at Bonnefanten Museum/Studium Generale Maastricht University, Maastricht.

February 2020 | Lecture ‘Representations of infertile women’ at Human Library, Tilburg University/Bibliotheek Tilburg, Tilburg.

February 2020 | Lecture ‘Menopause and other ‘female pains’’ at Studium generale University Utrecht, Tivoli Vredenburg, Utrecht.

April 2016 | Lecture ‘De grenzen van ons lichaam’ [The boundaries of our body] at Philosophy Festival Radboud Reflects, Nijmegen.


Gier, E. de; J. Warmerdam; M.L. de Boer; K. van Mourik (2007) European knowledge society, new social risks and universities. The Netherlands, Country-study, ITS Applied Social Research (Nijmegen).

Academic service (Selection)

2024 | PhD in the humanities advisory/ evaluation committee, NWO (Dutch Research Council)

2023 | Co-founding Member WOMAHN - Women's Marginalized Health Network (European research network), 2023.

2023 | Peer evaluations for research grants, Institute of Advanced Studies Freiburg

2022 -2024 | Member Young Academy Tilburg University

2022 -2024 | Member advisory committee Diversity and Inclusion, Tilburg University