November 2024 | Seksualiteit en menopauze, Inspire (Y)ourself Week, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
September 2024 | Designer vagina’s, presentation at Vrouwenzorgen, symposium by WOMAHN, together with Anne-Mette Hermans.
May 2024 | presentation about technology, digital culture, and menopause at TICC seminar, DCC, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
May 2024 | presentation about Interview techniques in empirical philosophical studies. Lecture in the PhD course empirical philosophy, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands.
January 2024 | Sexual Identity Work in Menopause, presentation at the inaugural ‘lived experiences’ workshop of Women's Marginalized Health Network (WOMAHN), Tilburg University, The Netherlands.
November 2023 (invited) Un-tracking menopause. How not self-tracking shapes the ways in which menopausal women give meaning to themselves and their bodies. Online networking event with menopause scholars, organized by Siobhán Healy (Massey University) and Josie Hamper (Oxford University).
September 2023 (invited) | Sensitizing gender-sensitive medicine through empirical philosophical phenomenology. Lecture in the inaugural workshop of the interdisciplinary phenomenology hub, Linköping University, Sweden.
September 2023 (invited) | Bodies in Transition. Presentation workshop Medical Humanities and Movement Sciences, online, organized by prof. Cassandra Phoenix, Durham University, UK.
June 2023 (invited) | Presentation about qualitative research in philosophy. Conference on empirical philosophy, Odense, Denmark. Presentation together with Kristin Zeiler.
May 8, 2023 (invited) | Interview techniques in empirical philosophical studies. Lecture in the PhD course empirical philosophy, Technical University Delft, The Netherlands.
April 2023 | Myths of Menopause. A critical phenomenological perspective on menopause fiction TV. Presentation at NOSP 2023, Reykjavik, Iceland.
December 2022 (invited) | Untracking menopause. Online presentation for the network Globalization, Accessibility, Innovation and Care (GAIC).
November 2022 | Becumming oneself together with another. The meaning of sexuality in menopause. Conference on aging and chronic illness, Södertörn University, Sweden.
October 2022 (invited) | Discussion of my paper ‘Un/tracking menopause’, research group gender, health and interaction, VID University, Norway.
August 2022 | Lecture about ‘Epistemic in/justice in patient participation’ for the 34th Conference of the European Society for Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care in Warsaw, Poland
July 2022 | ‘Monitoring Menopause’ presentation at the Futures ahead in Medical Humanities conference, University of Linkoping, Sweden
May 2022 (invited) | ‘Writing a research proposal’, Seminar on research proposal writing, Tilburg University.
April 2022 (invited) | ‘Health Humanities. Een interdisciplinaire en intersectionele kijk op gezondheid en ziekte’, Colloqium Medical Humanities, IQ Health Care Radboud University Nijmegen.
October 2021 (invited) | ‘Menopauze en cultuurverschillen’ [Menopause and cultural differences], Symposium Dutch Menopause Society.
June 2021 | ‘Hermeneutic and testimonial injustice in ME/CFS patient participation’, 2021 Philosophy of Medicine Roundtable, University of Michigan (online)
June 2021 | ‘Monitoring menopause: Use of and need for self-tracking health technologies in menopause’, HealthByTech, University of Twente/ UMCG, The Netherlands, online conference (paper by Teddy Elliëns, Marieke Hendriks, Nadine Bol and Marjolein de Boer).
January 2020 | ‘The political patient. The significance of patient experiences in CFS/ME health care politics’, 3rd Congress of the Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research, Sheffield, UK
November 2019 | ‘Menopause and knowledge utilization’, seminar ‘Peers’, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
November 2018 | ‘Infertility, melancholy, and the gift of mourning’, Annual meeting of the Society for Ricoeur Studies, Los Angeles, USA
October 2018 (invited) | ‘Melancholy and mourning beyond pathology’, Cultural crossings of care conference, University of Oslo, Norway.
June 2018 (invited) | Member of the panel debate ‘researching welfare technologies’, Helsam-seminaret 4. June, University of Oslo.
March 2018 (invited) | ‘Melancholy and mourning in infertility treatment’, seminar ‘Philosophical and historical perspectives on IVF’, Inst. of Health and Society, University of Oslo, Norway
November 2017 (invited) | ‘Loss and mourning in infertility treatment’, seminar at the Norwegian Cultural Institute in Italy, Tolfa, Italy.
September 2017 | ‘In/fertile cyborgs. Representations of women in fertility treatment on reality TV’, 4s Annual meeting, Boston, USA
June 2017 | ‘Conceiving (of) time in infertility treatment. A feminist phenomenological perspective to experiences of waiting’, Annual meeting Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Trondheim, Norway
March 2017 (invited) | ‘Women’s bodily experiences in breast cancer and IVF’, Institute of Health and Society, University of Oslo, Norway
February 2017 (invited) | ‘Silencing childless women in infertility reality TV’, symposium ‘Untold stories: When the “family dream” goes unrealized’, Litteraturhuset, University of Oslo, Norway.
December 2016 | ‘Bodily experiences in health and illness’, seminar ‘Experiences of embodiment and illness from a philosophical perspective’, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
December 2015 | ‘The mediated breast’, Poster at Annual Caphri Day, Maastricht University
May 2015 | ‘The scripted breast: affective bodily engagements with medical devices and prosthetic objects in breast cancer.’ Conference ‘Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies’, Graz, Austria
April 2015 | ‘Our body. A phenomenological perspective on intersubjectivity in breast cancer.’ Annual meeting Nordic Society for Phenomenology, Stockholm, Sweden
March 2015 | ‘Sharing lives, sharing bodies: partners negotiating breast cancer experiences.’ Colloquium presentation, Dept. of Health, Ethics and Society, University Maastricht
January 2015 | ‘Ethical issues in empirical phenomenological research’, Ethical board meeting, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
May 2014 | ‘Expecting a breast reconstruction: a phenomenology of surprise, anticipation and hope’, seminar lecture, Södertörn University, Sweden
April 2014 (invited) | ‘Feminist philosophy and embodied experiences’, higher seminar lecture series, Linnaeus University, Sweden
October 2013 (invited) | ‘Shaping re-constructed shapes: techno-embodied experiences of women who have (had) a breast reconstruction’, seminar lecture, Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands
August 2013 | ‘Breast reconstruction and embodied experiences’, Netherlands Graduate Research School of Science, Technology and Modern Culture
July 2013 | ‘Imagining a disfigured self. Eluding, acknowledging and welcoming one’s image’, together with Dr. Gili Yaron at The British Sociological Association conference ‘Auto/Biography’, Barcelona, Spain
May 2013 (invited) | ‘A phenomenological perspective to breast reconstruction’, Plastic Surgery Department, MUMC+, University Maastricht
May 2013 (invited) | ‘Ideal Shapes, Shaping Ideality. Breast cancer experiences, embodied strategies and cultural representations’, seminar lecture, Södertörn University, Sweden
September 2012 | ‘Blogging and Breast Cancer, the positioning of women who have (had) breast cancer on their personal weblogs’, workshop ‘Personal Stories, Public Appearance’, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands
April 2012 | ‘Disfiguring Breast Cancer in Blogosphere, a Disembodied Space for the Emancipation of the Self?’, symposium ‘Rethinking the Self, Transnational and Transdisciplinary Bioethical and Biopolitical Concerns’, Helsinki, Finland
April 2012 | ‘Breast Cancer in Blogosphere’, poster at Annual Cahpri Day, University Maastricht
July 2010 | ‘The Aporia of Political Forgiveness’, conference ‘Reading Ricoeur once again’, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference and panel organization
13 February 2025 | Organization of the seminar with Mathijs van de Sande about prefigurative democracy and protest movements, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
26 September 2024 | Organization of the first Dutch WOMAHN symposium ‘Vrouwenzorgen’, together with Anne-Mette Hermans, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
January 2024 | Organization of the conference Women's Marginalized Health: lived experiences (together with Lisa Guntram), Women's Marginalized Health Network (WOMAHN), Tilburg University, The Netherlands.
March 2020 [planned, but postponed due to Covid-19] | Organizer of the international expert meeting of the NWO-VICI project ‘Mind the Body’, Tilburg University
2017 – 2019 | Initiator and coordinator of the bi-monthly Empirical Philosophy seminars, University of Oslo
December 2016 | seminar ‘Experiences of embodiment and illness from a philosophical perspective’, Maastricht University, The Netherlands
May 2015 | Co-organization (together with Dr. Lucie Dalibert and Dr. Gili Yaron) of two panels (titled: ‘Intimate Technologies: Embodying Artefacts, Remaking Bodies, Enacting Norms.’) at the conference ‘Critical Issues in Science, Technology and Society Studies’, Graz, Austria
March 2010 | Co-organization of the conference Public forgiveness in post-conflict contexts, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Upcoming events
2 -4 April 2025 | Organization of the second ‘social critique’ workshop of Women's Marginalized Health Network (WOMAHN), together with Lisa Guntram (Linkoping University), Linkoping University, Sweden.